Betta Tankmates – Choosing Roomies For Your Betta Splendens

March 12, 2013

Betta Tankmates – Choosing Roomies For Your Betta Splendens
By Elizabeth Christopher

Betta tankmates have to be chosen as carefully as a person chooses a roommate. Pick the wrong betta tankmates, and your fish will suffer. Choose the wrong roommate for yourself and you may suffer. You get the idea. Let’s take a look at some betta tankmates that will allow your fish to live a long, happy and healthy life with good neighborly interaction.

The right betta mates need to understand that he is living with a fish that can be surly, and even downright nasty at times. The perfect partner will allow his finny friend room to be himself, and shouldn’t clash lest there be dire consequences.

Apple Snail with Betta Fish

Apple Snail with Betta Fish

1 – Apple Snails

Apple snails are a great addition to a betta tank. These snails are small at birth, but can reach a size of 4 – 6 inches when adult, and add a peaceful nature to your betta. Bettas typically ignore them.

2 – Cory Catfish

Cory Catfish are the most common catfish kept in aquariums. Since they prefer the bottom of the tank, they typically do not run afoul of the middle to top-dwelling betta fish. They are hardy and very easy to breed and care for.

3 – Dwarf Frog

Betta tankmates need to be non-similar to the betta. Bettas attack other fish that resemble themselves. That is why a dwarf frog or two make such a diverse friend for your betta tank and a wonderful visual addition to your tank.

4 – Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are small (one inch max.), inexpensive fish that add motion and vibrant color to any tank. They respond extremely well with any betta fish.

Neon Tetras with Betta Fish

Neon Tetras with Betta Fish

Remember that every betta fish has a distinctive personality. What works for one betta may not work for the next one. And when your betta mates, all bets are off, and a previous friend can become a foe in your fighting fish’s eyes. Don’t forgot that you should never keep more than one inch of fish per gallon of aquarium. If you follow these rules, you should be able to place some great betta tankmates with your beautiful betta splendens that will provide you with a full, visual experience.

Want to know how to triple your betta’s lifespan? Then get the book pet store owners don’t want you to read. An acclaimed 25 year betta expert (and my good friend) reveals incredible tips to give your betta the healthiest, happiest, longest life. Available for immediate download at THIS LINK.
Beth C.

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What is the Perfect Betta Tank? Fulfill These 4 Requirements For a Happy, Healthy Betta

March 8, 2010

As you look around the pet store, you see plastic one gallon bowls, a betta tank that is curved in the front, some that are ten gallon, and all sizes and types in between. So why so many choices? What is the right betta tank for you? Let’s look at what the betta requires, and then we can make a selection from there.

Betta tank selection is generally made by the owner according to what THEY want, not what the FISH wants! This is backwards. If you want your fish to have a shorter lifespan than he could have, and live a less than full existence, then by all means choose whatever looks good to you. But if you want to provide your fish with the perfect betta aquarium according to his needs, then read on.

Your betta requires…

1 – A Low Wide Betta Tank

Bettas live in very shallow water. Purchasing a betta tank that is deeper than it is wide is a waste, he will never use all that space at the top. And it is harder for you to clean as well. Purchase a wide low tank, a ten gallon aquarium is perfect. There are tanks called “bow front tanks” that make ideal betta tanks.

2 – Very Little Room, Comparatively

Bettas can live a long, healthy, happy life in a betta house as small as two or three gallons. I personally use nothing less than a five gallon tank, and prefer ten gallons for maximum betta comfort. These larger tanks are also much easier to use, and attaching heaters and filters will not take up too much room. There is also ample room to add betta tankmates, plants and other “furniture”.

3 – 78 to 82 Degree Water

This means that a home that is too small for a heater is no good. It has to be big enough to house a heater that can keep him at a comfy 80 degrees or so. This also means a filter to move the water so there are no hot and cold spots.

4 – Fog and Scratch-Free Walls

Your betta wants to watch you. He wants to play with you, and perform for you, and he can not do that if he can not see through the walls of his tank. Besides, you want to see him and his betta tank in all their splendor. Choose glass or acrylic over plastic, because they will not fog up, get cloudy or scratch over time.

That’s it. Five gallon and up, low and wide, glass or acrylic and heated are the requirements for the perfect betta tank.
Hi guys,
Elizabeth here.
I just wanted to let you in on a special offer that a friend of mine has made available to the readers of my blog.

Adam Short has been raising Betta Fish for over 25 years, and has compiled all his extensive knowledge into the most comprehensive, no “B. S.” (baloney sandwich) betta care guide I have found. I have personally been raising bettas for 20 years, and was amazed at the amount of information in this e-Book that I would never have known, like how to get bettas to live up to 5 years!

For a limited time, if you use this special link …
you will receive this amazing Betta Care Guide
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Here’s what you get –

1 – Betta Care Guide – regular price $19.77 – sale price $14.77
Already over 970 happy customers. (I personally value this guide at over $100, it is that good.)

2 – Medicine Checklist – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!
A list of products to keep in your Betta medicine chest. A must have.

3 – Online Shopping Checklist – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!
A list of the best places to shop online for Betta supplies.

4 – Aquarium Checklist – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!
A complete list of all of the items you need to start and run your Betta aquarium the right way.

5 – Specific Offers and Reviews – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!

This is a $39.57 value … and you can get it today for only $14.77.
That’s about the cost of two betta fish (or one nice one!).

Adam is allowing this special offer to go to only the
NEXT 50 36 buyers who use this special link …

This is the same course I refer to every day, and I know it can help enrich your life and the lives of your beautiful bettas.


When you get the course, let me know
what you think and I will post
your input here!

I Want to Buy Betta Fish – Where Do I Start?

February 17, 2010

Before you buy betta fish, you should get their tank set up. Some aquarists new to the hobby buy betta fish from a pet store and leave them in the tiny betta fish bowls they are housed in. While your betta can survive in a small amount of water with little to no water circulation, they certainly will not thrive there. You probably chose bettas because of their amazing colors and fin plumage. If you want your fish to thrive and be the happiest, healthiest betta he can be, you will need to upgrade to a larger betta house when you buy betta supplies.

I buy betta tanks no smaller than five gallons, and prefer ten gallon tanks, because they make breeding, and adding betta tankmates and betta plants much easier. With a larger betta tank, you will also be providing your fish with many more chances to show off their individual personality.

Betta fish prefer shallow depths, so when choosing a betta tank, buy something lower and wider instead of deep. Not only will this make your water changes and maintenance easier, but it will also give your betta an environment most like his natural habitat.

Your betta has to eat. So, when you buy betta fish food, make sure that the food size is appropriate for your fish. I prefer flakes at first if the betta is small, and then pellets at later stages of his growth. There are a lot of options out there, but I prefer a standard betta flake food product. You can also use freeze-dried brine.

You of course will need to buy betta supplies like a net, lid for the betta tank, heater and filter. Buy a sponge filter, because good bacteria will grow in the filter collection area, and will provide the nitrates your fish needs to fight off diseases. When purchasing a heater, three to five watts per gallon will be sufficient. Hood selection and accessories like nets are not as important. Get what works for you.

Buy your betta an aquarium test kit, and cyle his tank before you add him. There are many good betta care guides that walk you through the water cycling process. This is the most important step in your fish’s young life! Follow the directions, and add fish. Be forewarned, cycling aquarium water takes two to eight weeks, so you will have to be prepared to wait. But, when cycled properly, your betta tank will have pristine water quality, and your fish can live up to five years.

Hi guys,
Elizabeth here.
I just wanted to let you in on a special offer that a friend of mine has made available to the readers of my blog.

Adam Short has been raising Betta Fish for over 25 years, and has compiled all his extensive knowledge into the most comprehensive, no “B. S.” (baloney sandwich) betta care guide I have found. I have personally been raising bettas for 20 years, and was amazed at the amount of information in this e-Book that I would never have known, like how to get bettas to live up to 5 years!

For a limited time, if you use this special link …
you will receive this amazing Betta Care Guide
at a special price, and
4 FREE bonuses.

Here’s what you get –

1 – Betta Care Guide – regular price $19.77 – sale price $14.77
Already over 970 happy customers. (I personally value this guide at over $100, it is that good.)

2 – Medicine Checklist – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!
A list of products to keep in your Betta medicine chest. A must have.

3 – Online Shopping Checklist – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!
A list of the best places to shop online for Betta supplies.

4 – Aquarium Checklist – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!
A complete list of all of the items you need to start and run your Betta aquarium the right way.

5 – Specific Offers and Reviews – regular price $4.95 – sale price FREE!

This is a $39.57 value … and you can get it today for only $14.77.
That’s about the cost of two betta fish (or one nice one!).

Adam is allowing this special offer to go to only the
NEXT 50 36 buyers who use this special link …

This is the same course I refer to every day, and I know it can help enrich your life and the lives of your beautiful bettas.


When you get the course, let me know
what you think and I will post
your input here!